
Crédit Photo Amaury Voslion 


Mark Fishman’s novels The Magic Dogs of San Vicente, No. 22 Pleasure City, Thirteen Heavens, and Pigsville  have been published by Guernica Editions. His short stories have appeared in a number of literary magazines. He was nominated by the Carolina Quarterly for the General Electric Foundation Award for Young Writers, and his short story, “Songwad Road,” received first prize for fiction by Glimmer Train in 2016. Another short story was listed in Glimmer Train’s Top 25 of the Final Fiction Open January/February 2019.

Exhibitions in collaboration with artist Leslie Lerner:

“A Chinese Visible Horizon,” Installation at Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C. 1979

“Correspondence to the Structure of a House in Oslo,” Installation at University of Missouri, Saint Louis 1979

“Distance in Structural Measure: Lakes and Oceans,” Installation at The Fine Arts Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 1979

“Bridge/Desire/Eclipse,” Installation at Southern Exposure Gallery, Project Artaud, San Francisco, CA. 1979

“Seven Mysteries,” Installation at University Gallery, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. 1979


Collaborative works with artist Leslie Lerner:

“France,” suite of prints, twelve letterpress panels of text/twelve color etchings; boxed, numbered, signed. Limestone Press, San Francisco, CA. 1988. 

In the collections of the de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara, CA. and Hine Editions, San Francisco, CA.; private collection, St. Helena, CA.; private collection, Berkeley, CA.; private collection San Francisco; private collection, Napa Valley, CA.

“Theater of Romance,” single panel text silkscreen on Arches/painting acrylic on cardboard; signed, dated, 1987. Exhibited Janet Steinberg Gallery, San Francisco, CA.; private collection, San Francisco, CA.